Shalom Staub named director of UCLA Center for Community Learning
Following a national search, Shalom Staub has been selected as…

Fiat Lux: UCLA students learn history from Holocaust Survivors
(UCLA College News | March 27, 2018)

UCLA Clusters: 20 years of big ideas
(UCLA College Magazine | Winter 2017)

A Minor Revolution: Food Studies and Entreprenuership
(UCLA Magazine | October 1, 2017)

JusticeCorps: UCLA students help people in Los Angeles get equal access to justice
(UCLA Newsroom | September 26, 2017)

Disability Studies Celebrates 10 Years of 'Re-defining Normal'
(UCLA College Magazine | Summer 2017)

Jumpstart UCLA: Literacy fair highlights work of UCLA students with preschoolers year-round
(UCLA Newsroom | May 18, 2017)

USIE: Student channels fascination into conducting seminar on Franz Liszt
(Daily Bruin | June 2, 2016)