Disability Law Journal Launch
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

UCLA School of Law, Room 1357
Contact Information

Picture of a journal and a gavel with the following text: Wednesday, April 24, 12-1pm, UCLA Law School, Room 1357, Disability Law Journal Launch Celebration
You’re invited to celebrate the launch of the first-ever Disability Law Journal:
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
UCLA School of Law, Room 1357
Sunney Poyner, Editor-in-Chief of the DLJ, will lead a discussion on the current state and future of disability law. A reception will immediately follow the discussion from 1:00-2:00pm in the UCLA Law Courtyard. Guests must RSVP to attend the reception.
Please send your response by Wednesday, April 17
This event is wheelchair accessible and will have ASL interpretation. The celebration is a fragrance-free event.
Watch the Link20: Act Up for Inclusion video on the first Disability Law Journal!
Sponsors: Disability Law Journal at UCLA, UCLA Disability Studies, and UCLA School of Law