APPLICATION DEADLINE: UCLA Social Enterprise Academy
Sunday, November 25, 2018
12:00 am

Contact Information
The UCLA Social Enterprise Academy (SEA) is a two-quarter experiential learning course. Over Winter and Spring quarters, students work directly with nonprofit organizations to develop earned income opportunities for the organization. Teams of five students are assigned to each nonprofit. Students will work closely with the leadership of one organization as consultants to develop the best enterprise idea, conduct market research, create a business plan, and pitch the venture to compete for cash and pro bono prizes.
The official course number is Economics 173A/173B: Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship (Winter and Spring 2018). This course counts as two Economics Electives towards the majors in Economics and Business Economics and can be counted toward the Minor in Entrepreneurship (consult with the counselor for the Minor). It is open to students in all majors.
- Junior or senior standing at UCLA.
- Mandatory attendance at all class meetings during Winter and Spring quarter (Tuesdays, 6:15 – 9:30 p.m.)
- Mandatory enrollment and completion in Econ 173A and Econ 173B.
- Submit resume and cover letter with application. Include UID on each page and combine submission as a single file with resume first and cover letter second.
- Application deadline is November 25 at 11:59 p.m.
- Decisions will be announced by Friday, December 7.