Foundation Area GE Credit Learning Goals and Guidelines:

For new course submissions and re-certification, please submit to the GE Governance Committee the following information for each proposed course to the Course and Curriculum Management System :

  1. An inclusive syllabus* that includes the following:
    1. A one or two paragraph description of the course.
    2. Student learning outcomes.
    3. Acknowledgment that the course carries GE credits, and list which foundation area(s). Please click here for sample text . *Please note the GE credits listed should reflect only those approved by GEGC.
    4. An outline of proposed weekly lecture topics and, if appropriate, field trips, labs, or other experiential activities.
    5. A reading list, including films, if appropriate.
    6. Description of student assignments. For each writing assignment include the nature of the assignment and its page length.
    7. Description of the grading policy, specifically, the percentage that each component carries in determining a student’s course grade. If participation is one of the grading components, please describe in detail how this grade will be assessed. For sample participation rubrics, please click:
      1. Arts & Humanities and Society & Culture
      2. Foundations of Scientific Inquiry
  2. A completed GE Course Information Sheet

*For online courses, the UCLA Online Teaching & Learning  (OTL) has created materials to guide faculty in developing online courses. When designing a course, it may be helpful to reference this OTL Online Course Review Checklist that Instructional Designers use when reviewing courses and writing letters of support. This Modes of Delivery  chart, also developed by OTL, provides helpful descriptions for the different course modalities.

**Please see the full guidelines including instructions for completing the GE Course Information Sheet. GEGC strongly encourages the use of inclusive syllabi for all GE courses. For more information and examples, please see the inclusive syllabus template  developed by UEI with input from the Center for Education Innovation & Learning in the Sciences (CEILS) and Writing Programs. Additionally, please consider reviewing the Inclusive Syllabus Design guide created by the Center for Education Innovation & Learning in the Sciences (CEILS).


Proposal Deadline Approved Courses Effective Term
Fall quarter – September 27, 2024 Winter 2025*
Winter quarter – January 3, 2025 Spring 2025*
Spring quarter – March 27, 2025 Summer/Fall 2025*

*Effective term is as stated; however, courses may not be approved before the Schedule of Classes is published. Please consider submitting your course up to 2 quarters ahead of time.


Please submit the complete packet of course materials to the corresponding course in the Course and Curriculum Management System (CMS) . The memos should be addressed as follows:

Victor Bascara, Chair
General Education Governance Committee

Approval from the Undergraduate Council is required before a course is certified with General Education credit. Departments, Counselors, the College FEC, and the Registrars Office are notified upon approval from the Undergraduate Council.