Civic Engagement Info Session
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

A-316 Murphy Hall
Contact Information
Are you a student dedicated to your community? Are you interested in working one-on-one with a professor? Do you want to receive course credit for an internship? Are you looking to develop skills that will help you in graduate school or the world of work?
The Civic Engagement Minor might be for you!
Through service learning, coursework, internships, and research, the minor will help you develop the knowledge, skills, and ability to create change.
Attend the information session to learn more about the minor, its requirements, and perks of being in the minor.
For more information please visit our website or Facebook event page.
**Register for the information session on MyUCLA > Academics > Advising & Academic Services > Workshops. Search for “Civic Engagement.” Walk-ins are welcomed!